Sunday, August 23, 2009

Best I ever had

If I didn't know you better, I could certainly predict where you think am heading with this! Well so to say, the mind is a the most powerful tool we possess so keep thinking; more specifically on the best thing you've ever had. Differentiate from what you don't have or the ones you will be having, just focus on what you have or rather had.

Confusing as it seems, this thought has crossed my mind many times and I kept thinking of a good answer incase someone asked me the same question. I could compose a list: first roll with a car, first kiss, first time getting laid, the best present, winning a lottery/medal/certificate, high school graduation, girlfriend, first self made program, best speech/assignment/delivery, ocean dive, beach holiday in summer......the list goes on and on and on! First time for everything, I am sure its the same case even for you out there, but take note to the things I have mentioned, none of which lasts longer than a moment and if they do, you'll eventually get used to, bored and cast them away like a depreciating valuable item.

I can't come up with a better answer to what is the best I ever had, but that was then and this NOW. If there is anything best that I have had, have and will still be having is friends and family, irreplaceable till the end no matter what. I am sure Will Smith must have been fucked up being alone in 'I am Legend' because there is nothing more scarier than that. Just so you agree, I shall run the list down and reveal the importance of friends and family: I had my driver to roll the car with, a kissed a friend in a spur of a moment, getting laid.....well isn't that obvious, winnings happen only with other competitors to prove you the best, any graduation sucks without having friends to celebrate with and so is the beach holiday in summer, program I made had to have someone to brag about to, speeches and assignments are empty without an audience, most likely your friends and family, ocean dive....well I did that alone which is why am sharing it with you now!

It's a butterfly effect out there, your reading my post and at the same time, your probably annoying someone or making them happy, whatever the case, your the best they ever had!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

High times of clubbing life

A clipboard to a bouncer is like a line of coke to an addict. Without what they feel they need in their possession, they’re everything they don’t want to be; weak. Power is a privilege that too many big-yet-hollow-headed hacks take for granted and abuse without knowing any better. What gives them the right to choose? To discriminate? To play God and for what, for a dancefloor? For self-assurance and some strewed form of value? Oh I get it, I get it… they’re doing the hard stuff. They’re making it easier on us by being hard on us, right? Wrong. They don’t know shit, they pick and prod at what looks good and what doesn’t through their own petty perception. You know to know how smart these men really are? Ask them a logical fucking question. See, one of those is like kryptonite to a shopping list hugger, I mean guestlist-supervising son of a bitch. They’ve got some paper but no real thoughts to put on it other than what their ashamed mother requests them to bring home so she can cook dinner. Yes, that’s right, I wouldn’t be surprised if half of ‘em are still living at home but you know what makes me smile, people? It’s how they look exactly like the kind of clown that no decent place would admit entry to. Ironic, ain’t it? And a bit sad too. These days ID’s aren’t important, special occasions don’t matter and neither do the times in which you rock up. It all comes down to either having or not having a dick and if you do… club hopping is like a game of Russian roulette except instead of your life being on the life… your dignity bites the bullets instead.

All this is also a result of our naivity. Too many times we had a session with the bouncers at clubs. There hasn't been a night that atleast once the guys at the door haven't pulled us out cause of the guestlist bullshit, or as we like to refer to it as the "BC-MAH" -- "Bouncers Cover My Ass Handbook". There is only so many times you can be pulled out of the club so that you realise there is something you are doing wrong. Well as for me, or should i say as for our bunch the climax had to be last night 14th August of 2009. I have never been so angry, and the funny thing is I came to realise I was not angry at anyone i was angry with myself, and i could see other guys in the group with the similar feeling.

It was all making sense now, well that bell had to be rung into our ears for a couple of clubbing nights until the message got through. Disappointed and ashamed because we could not learn from our mistakes earlier. Someone slaps you in da face once, Its okay maybe you didn't see him but the next ten times does the same thing while you are standing right there. mmhhh... Makes you wonder.

It's a matter of pride but also not taking these incidents personally 'cause at the end of the day, it happens to many guys all looking for the same thing as us; a fun night out. Is that too much to ask for these days? Apparently so, especially when you can get yourself kicked out of a McDonalds... 'cause ain't that just a McBitch? A McKick in the fuckin nuts....

We have learnt our lesson, if not we, then I have learnt my lesson. Next time we have an occasion, Major factor to consider is careful planning and contigency plan before hand.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Scare of my life

Lately, something happened in my life that really shock me. Last month I was crusing with this girl we actually really had a good time.

Until a couple of weeks ago when I recieved a message from this girl. She told me this, and i quote " Louis, We need to talk". I mean as human beings we always have something going through our minds when a man or a woman says something like this.

I had alot of questions in me so i agreed to meet with her. She came over my house and slowly she told me "louis, i have missed my mensturation for over a week now". I didn't really freak out externally but my heart was punding so hard i could almost hear it. Scared shitless..... i almost thot my life was going to be over.

so i asked her if she did a pregnancy test, she actually told me she went to the doctors for consultation n testing. Doctor told her that the test is negative, BUT, because it was only two weeks in the tests are mostly inconclusive so she was to go back in 8weeks time.

Am sitting there having an internal prayer, now am scared and she is scared. Trying not to look scared just so she doesn't freak out of her skin.... "

To be honest i had no freaking idea what was gonna happen n what to do. but i had to stay positive.

waiting day after day and hour after hour to receive atleast a text that tells me that she has started her mensuration.

It was getting to me, i couldnt eat well, i couldnt sleep or study. reached one pointed that i was gonna convince myself it was going to be alright i even had a planned script of what to tell my Dad, friends and the people around me.

My young adult life was soon to be over, I already started thinking of Daddy responsibilities.

Well one pleasant friday morning which was 7th of August, the girl knocks to my door with a smile on her face and the first thing she tells me was, "Louis my periods have started."

I was still sleepy then so i had a double-take on what she said, i was like "what?". She told me again the same words. The rush of relief that flowed into my body was immense.

I have never been so releived and happy in my life.

Out of all this came the lesson of making conscious decisions, knowing what you are doing and taking the right measures in whatever i am doing in life. Not only when it comes to women.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


As of lately i have been digging in so much just to find out what really is my purpose in life. I started reading books(which by the way isn't my thing people who know me can verify that) I am more of a sportish outdoor person.

Read books watched documentaries, just to find an answer but there isn't any valid answer but they all seem to be saying the same thing. The answers they provide are like maps you need to get there alone or with abit of help.

Goals, goals, goals... interchanged sometimes with vision. I ask myself, now what if you do not know what your goal is or what you love doing?

That is were the problem starts most of us do not know what we are supposed to be doing or what's we love doing?

For anyone who has figured out what to do please share, how you came about to realise your dream and what are your goals?

My goal at the moment is to figure out what is it that i have to be doing in life.


Hey fellaz i just thought we could get together and put technology to good use.
Alright this blog if for all my hommies interested in having a good time and also who need any help with their thoughts in future planning

From my findings lately many young boys and girls do not plan and if we do we do not execute.

So if anyone has any ideas of what to do if you have set your goals, or if any person has any problems we should help eachother using this blog.

Any contributions will be appreciated.

Thank you for viewing and leave a comment.