Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Million Dollar Question: Can guys and girls be "best" friends??

Whoever knows me will tell you, day in day out I always argue this point and my position is always on the NO.If some1 can show me a long term man to woman friendship without turning into love or lust then by all means please write to me.

The conclusion i come up with is due to daily experiences both my own and also other peoples' as-well. Anyone who disagrees with me would probably want to know why I say what I say.Well first of all just to clarify; this does not include the relationship of a gay guy and a girl...... Thats an exception to this rule/observation just like any other rule has exceptions.

Now coming back to my reasons/facts. If a guy and a girl claim that they are best friends then it i either one of the following scenarios:

Fact 1: They both like eachother and do not want to spoil the relationship in which case they will eventually end up hooking up anyway.

Fact 2:either one or the other likes the person they claim to be best friends with but the other person does not seem to show much interest in them so they settle as friend(next best thing) and also in which case might end up in this scenario for the group to hook up(less likely than the first one, but given the correct scenario it is likely).

Well those are a few observed facts that am going to leave you with. but the major cause of all this havoc and mayhem has been caused by sexual tension (as written on the Mx paper of the 27th of August 2010). In this era relationships(many) do not exist without sex.And if there is no sex then relationships do not exist.(Again its not what i believe... this is just another observed fact)...

Food for thought


  1. I have a Guy best friend...yes its possible! He is single and well im kind of not but he has never ever asked me out and we have been friends for a while
    Ps...there is ZERO sexual tension..Doctor LUv
